Study Plan

​By bringing together three PhD programs (involving the five institutions, see the Institutions page) that have received accreditation from A3ES, the curricular structure builds on the ones existing in those PhD programs and includes three types of courses:

  1. Advanced Research Topics in Social Psychology (18 ECTS);
  2. Academic Skills and Advanced Methods in Social Psychology (24 ECTS);
  3. Project Seminar in Psychology (18 ECTS).

1. Advanced Research Topics in Social Psychology - 18 ECTS

These courses aim to provide advanced training by involving the students in scientific discussions with national and international researchers who present cutting edge research or state of the art reviews in their areas of expertise, either in the form of invited oral presentations that are open to a larger scientific audience or in more intensive and exclusive research seminars.

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Seminário 1 (Julgamento e Decisão na Incerteza) / Seminar 1 (Judgement and Uncertainty in Decision)

Coordinator: Prof. Doutor Leonel Garcia Marques

ECTS: 12

Institution: Faculdade de Psicologia da Universidade de Lisboa

General Objectives: To address inferential reasoning processes and their relation to social behavior. The specific topics included in the program are either conceptually central to the general literature and/or extremely relevant for the research developed in the Seminar. Other objectives: (i)) to discuss the cognitive approaches to inference processes (judgment under uncertainty, decision-making and problem-solving, etc.). II) To develop a critical and up-to-date view on current research in the area. III) To be able to develop research work on core themes of social inference.

Learning goals: To develop the ability to compare different Judgment and Decision Making approaches with regard to the empirical support gained by these different approaches and to reflect about the limitations of research; to develop research questions in this area.

Syllabus: 1. The intuitive statistician and social judgment under uncertainty.

Evaluation process: The evaluation will include participating in an experimental project (with a detailed review of the relevant literature).

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Seminário 2 (Cognição Social) / Seminar 2 (Social Cognition)

Coordinator: Prof. Doutor Leonel Garcia Marques

ECTS: 12

Coordinator: Prof. Doutor Leonel Garcia Marques

Institution: Faculdade de Psicologia da Universidade de Lisboa

General Objectives: To provide students with a conceptual map of Social Cognition. The specific topics included in the program are either conceptually central to the general literature and/or extremely relevant for the research developed in the Seminar. Other objectives: (i) to provide students with basic knowledge with regard to some of the major theoretical approaches in Social Cognition and to the main bibliographic resources available. II) To provide the students with the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to allow the adoption of an active and critical attitude with regard to Social Cognition research.

Learning goals: To develop the ability to compare different Social Cognition approaches with regard to the empirical support gained by these different approaches and to reflect about the limitations of research; to develop research questions in this area.


  1. Social Cognition and the formation of impressions of personality. Solomon Asch's contribution and its interpretation. Implicit theories of personality. The study of the cognitive processes underlying the impression formation.
  2. The effect of incongruence: processes of integration between expectancies and incongruent information. The Hastie-Srull model. Explanatory mechanisms of the effect of incongruence. Differences in the perception of people and groups. The discrepancy between the pro-congruency effects and the effect of incongruence. The TRAP model and the dissociation between heuristic and comprehensive retrieval modes.
  3. False memories and the DREAM paradigm. Review of main effects found. Main explanatory models.
  4. False memories and impressions. False memories and implicit theories of personality. Application of DREAM paradigm to Social Cognition.

Evaluation process: The evaluation will include participating in an experimental project (with a detailed review of relevant literature).

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Seminário de Estudos Pós-graduados em Psicologia Social / Seminar of Post Graduate Studies in Social Psychology


Institution: Instituto de Ciências Sociais (ICS) da Universidade de Lisboa

General Objectives: Aims to provide advanced training by promoting the contact with national and international researchers into present and debate with the students about research in their areas of expertise of social psychology

Learning goals: When they finish the UC the students will be able to:

  • Identify and critically assess some of the current research programs in psychology, recognizing the specificity of approaches and methods of each;
  • Identify how, in some of the current research programs in psychology, research goals, approaches and methods are connected;
  • Compare some of the current research programs in psychology with their own research projects;
  • Identify, through the above comparison, potentialities and limits of their own research programs.

Syllabus: There is no program, each year there are different conferences. See the events page for this year's planned seminars. The seminars will be in either Portuguese or English depending on the speaker’s origin.

Evaluation process:

  1. Requirement for evaluation: Attendance of the seminars. Students should attend at least 6 of the 7 planned seminars;
  2. Critical reflection about one of the seminars attended (4 - 6 pages), which should be included in the activity report of the 1st year and will be evaluated by the supervisor on a scale from 10 to 20;
  3. As an alternative to the scale from 10 to 20, the evaluation can be obtained by classification as A (corresponding to a score of 18), B (corresponding to 16) or C (corresponding to 14).

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Seminário de Investigação em Psicologia - Temas Aprofundados / Research Seminar in Psychology - Advanced Topics

Coordinator: Prof.ª Doutora Paula Castro


Duration: Anual

Institution: ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

General Objectives: Aims to provide advanced training by promoting contact with national and international researchers, who present and debate with the students about research in their areas of expertise.

Learning Objectives: When they finish the UC the students will be able to:

  • Identify and critically assess some of the current research programs in psychology, recognizing the specificity of approaches and methods of each;
  • Identify how, in some of the current research programs in psychology, research goals, approaches and methods are connected;
  • Compare some of the current research programs in psychology with their own research projects;
  • Identify, through the above comparison, potential and limits of their own research programs.

Syllabus: Each year the Programmatic contents of the seminars Advanced Topics are tailored to the specific needs of the enrolled students.


  • Requirement: Attendance at the seminars. Unjustified absence only allowed for 50% of the seminars.
  • Critical reflection about the seminars attended throughout the academic year (max. 1 page), to be included in the activity report of the 1st year and evaluated by the supervisor on a scale from 10 to 20.
  • As an alternative, the evaluation can be obtained by classification as A (18), B (corresponding to 16), C (14).

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Ciclo de Conferências em Psicologia ou Outras Ciências Sociais e Humanas / Lectures on Psychology or Other Social and Human Sciences

Coordinator: Prof.ª Cecília Aguiar


Duration: Anual

Institution: ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

General Objectives: Aims to promote the contact of students with renowned researchers working in diverse areas and themes, within psychology and disciplines akin to psychology.

Learning Goals:

  • to recognize the variety of themes and problems approached by psychology and connected sciences;
  • to recognize the variety of approaches and assumptions used by psychology and connected sciences;
  • to recognize the variety of methods and technics employed by psychology and connected sciences, and how they are linked to the approaches and assumptions.

Syllabus: There is no program, each year there are different conferences.

Evaluation: Attendance registry: students must send the coordinator of the CU certificates of their attendance in conferences (minimum of 6 hours).

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Estudos Avançados em Psicologia Social I / Advanced Studies in Social Psychology I

Coordinator: Prof.ª Doutora Teresa Garcia-Marques


Institution: ISPA – Instituto Universitário

Learning goals: This UC guides the student nto theoretical and empirical social psychology in order to furnish the student the thought instruments to understand social and social analyze cognitive phenomena. The UC aims to facilitate future self-learning. It examines intra-individual factors of social behaviour, such as social knowledge representation, social judgments and inferences, focusing on the role of emotion processes; the impact of conscious and unconscious processes, mental control and voluntary regulation of behaviors, etc. It focuses the development of explanatory models, methods and experimental paradigms.

Competencies to develop in students:

  • gains in knowledge that allow the comprehension of the theoretical and empirical approaches in the field;
  • development of scientific critical thinking skills regarding the theoretical and empirical approaches studied.

Syllabus: Focal topics will vary depending on student interest. Topics will be selected from the following:

  • Socio-cognitive processes;
  • Automatic processes;
  • Information processing and socio-cognitive approaches;
  • Shared and individual mental representations;
  • Conscious and unconscious processes;
  • Heuristic processing;
  • Feelings and information processing;
  • Dualistic approaches.

Evaluation process: The course is organised around thematic seminars, papers, readings, conferences and workshops, where active participation from students is stressed. The classes of this course unit maybe delivered in a tutorial format, depending on the number of students enrolled.

  • Bibliographic Research and individual works (paper reviews/essay on a topic/ response to questions about a topic) 70%;
  • Participation (attendance to meetings, reading articles, discussion etc): 30%;

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Estudos Avançados em Psicologia Social II / Advanced Studies in Social Psychology II

Coordinator: Prof.ª Doutora Teresa Garcia-Marques


Institution: ISPA – Instituto Universitário

Learning goals: This UC guide students into the social psychology / social cognition field focusing on the major theoretical and empirical approaches in order to furnish the student the thought instruments to understand social and social analyze cognitive phenomena. The UC aims to facilitate self-learning of specific topics in the field. It examines interpersonal, intergroup and intra-group processes. The UC will focus on the study of interpersonal (perception of justice, pro-social behavior, aggression, conflict, social influence) and group processes (intra-and intergroup) and their moderation by cultural factors. Competencies to develop in students are:

  • acquisition of knowledge in order to be able to become an expert in the field;
  • capacity of being autonomous in acquiring expertise;
  • development of a critical view of Social Psychology approaches and of the capacity to generate critical theoretical and empirical approaches within the field.


  • Social influence, Social Influence, Persuasion. Obedience. Majority/ minority influence. Resistance to change. The theory of "engagement";
  • Judgments/Perception of Justice; Perception of justice and legitimation of authority; justice and identity; justice and discrimination;
  • Interpersonal Relationships; Interpersonal Attraction; Interdependent relationships with family/friends vs. solitude. Pro-social behavior: altruism and cooperation. Antisocial behaviors: aggression/conflict;
  • Intergroup relations; Categorization, Social stereotypes and discrimination; categorization and social identity. Power and power relationships. Discrimination and dehumanization;
  • Social Representations; Nature and functions of social representations;
  • Cross-cultural Psychology: Social contexts micro and macro cultures and their influence on behavior of individual and group.

Evaluation process:

  • Bibliographic Research and individual papers 70%;
  • Participation (reading articles, discussion etc): 30%.
This curricular unit could be presented in a tutorial regime, in the case of few students.

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Academic Skills and Advanced Methods in Social Psychology - 24 ECTS

These courses provide advanced training in academic skills that are fundamental for social science research in general and for research in Social Psychology in particular. Organized in seminars held by several staff members and invited experts these courses cover training linked to all aspects of autonomous scientific work, such as scientific theorizing, disciplinary and interdisciplinary scientific rhetoric, research integration and reviewing (e.g., meta­analysis), research design (e.g., experimental, longitudinal), sampling and measurement (e.g., signal detection theory, psychophysiological and implicit measures), advanced data analysis (e.g., focused contrast analysis, structural equation modeling, multilevel analyses), research and publication ethics, scientific writing and revising, research presentation, project design and scientific networking. These courses also involve opportunities for experience in research supervision and tutoring (e.g., of masters students) as well as scientific management (e.g., organization of conferences).

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Módulo de Métodos I / Methods Seminar I

Coordinator: Prof. Doutor Leonel Garcia Marques


Institution: Faculdade de Psicologia da Universidade de Lisboa


  1. Philosophy of Science. What is scientific knowledge? Demarcation criteria and the problem of induction. Dogmatism, rationalism, positivism, logical positivism and falsificacionism. Paradigms, revolutions and limits of falsificacionism. Is scientific progress possible? What is the scientific method? In favor (Lakatos) and against method (Feyerabend). Is the scientific method definitely outlined? Is there a scientific method common to all sciences? The explanation in science. The nomological and the hypothetic-deductive models (Hempel) versus causal screening (Salmon). Crucial experiments and strong inferences. Applications of Bayes ' theorem. The new experimentalism. Hypothesis generation, critical thinking and the new experimentalism.
  2. Philosophy of statistics, test theory and the concepts of inference hypothesis testing, significance level, power tests, null hypothesis testing and confidence intervals. Fischer vs. Neyman Pearson & vs. Bayes. The conceptual origins of our current statistical practice. Statistics as a way to organize arguments based on data. The theory of degrees of freedom of Fischer. The ANOVA as a specific arrangement of orthogonal contrasts. Difficulties with interpretation of main effects and interactions.
  3. The importance of Signal Detection Theory . The consequences of the negligence of SDT (four examples). The fundamentals of SDT. Hits, false alarms and isosensitive (ROC) curves. Yes or no, 2FC or evaluation paradigms. Parametric and non-parametric measures. Psychometric alternatives. Signal Detection Theory and dualistic models of memory.

Evaluation process: Work proposed by each student that crucially capitalizes on knowledge acquired in this UC.

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Summer School in Data Analysis (I & II)


Institution: Instituto de Ciências Sociais (ICS) da Universidade de Lisboa

Learning goals: When they finish the UC the students will have mastered Structural Equation Models and Multilevel Analyses techniques useful to the completion of their PhD projects.

Evaluation process: Completion of a project using one of the statistical techniques for the analysis of an issue related to the PhD project. The work shall be evaluated by the course coordinator.

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Seminário de Investigação em Psicologia - Metodologias Avançadas / Research Seminar in Psychology - Advanced Methodologies

Coordinator: Prof. Doutor Sven Waldzus

ECTS: 18

Duration: Anual

Institution: ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

General Objectives: Aims to provide advanced training in research methods and data analysis.

Learning Objectives: When they finish the UC the students will be able to:

  • Identify and critically assess some of the current research programs in psychology, recognizing the specificity of approaches and methods of each.
  • Identify how, in some of the current research programs in psychology, research goals, approaches and methods are connected;
  • Compare some of the current research programs in psychology with their own research projects;
  • Identify, through the above comparison, potential and limits of their own research programs.

Syllabus: Each year the programatic contents of the seminars Advanced Methodologies are tailored to the specific needs of the enrolled students.


  • Requirement for evaluation: Attendance of the seminars. Unjustified absence is only allowed for 50% of the seminars;
  • The student choses 1 of the seminars in Advanced Methodologies that is admitted for evaluation. The lecturer agrees to evaluate the student (depending on number of evaluations requested) and proposes an exercise to be evaluated on a scale from 10 to 20.

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Treino de Competências Académicas em Psicologia / Training of Academic Skills in Psychology

Coordinator: Prof.ª Doutora Patrícia Arriaga


Duration: Anual

Institution: ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

General Objectives: This course aims to develop skills associated with research and academic life, such as teaching, organization of scientific events of presentations or posters and writing abstracts and articles.

Specific Objectives: The student who will successfully complete this course will be able to:

  • write a scientific paper;
  • prepare and present a research;
  • organize a scientific meeting/congress;
  • teach topics in the area of Psychology.


  1. To write a scientific paper;
  2. To prepare and present an empirical research;
  3. To organize a scientific meeting/congress;
  4. Pedagogical skills to teach topics in the area of Psychology.


  1. Requirements for evaluation:
    • Attendance at the seminars (unjustified absence is only allowed for 50% of the seminars.);
    • Participation in the organization of at least one scientific event (e.g., conference);
    • One supervised lecture in any of the degrees of the Department of Social and Organizational Psychology (which should be observed by the supervisor or another lecturer indicated by the coordinator of the course in which the lecture is given.).
  2. The student choses 1 of the seminars that is admitted for evaluation. The lecturer agrees to evaluate the student (depending on number of evaluations requested) and proposes an exercise that should be evaluated on a scale from 0 to 20.

As an alternative to the scale from 0 to 20, the evaluation can be obtained by classification as A (corresponding to a score of 18-20), B (corresponding to 15-17), C (corresponding to 10-14) or D (corresponding to not approved).

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Técnicas de Análise de Dados I / Techniques of Data Analysis I

Coordinator: Prof. Doutor João Paulo Maroco Domingos


Institution: ISPA – Instituto Universitário

Learning goals: Techniques of Data Analysis I is an optional 3 ECTS course whose main objective is to provide basic descriptive analysis, graphical and inferential skills. Thus, the target audiences are students of 3rd cycle who have not received training in their previous course-work on the fundamentals of data analysis in social sciences and humanities with software support, or who need a solid review.

Skills to be acquired:

  1. Decide on the descriptive, graphical and inferential analysis most appropriate for the data under study;
  2. Perform data analysis, descriptive and inferential univariate statistical analysis with SPSS Statistics;
  3. Critically analyze the assumptions of the techniques of data analysis;
  4. Report, in accordance with the APA, the results obtained.


  • Topics in Sampling and sample size;
  • Descriptive Statistics and Graphics;
  • Statistical Inference:
    • Introduction to hypothesis testing and statistical errors, Effect Size and Test Power;
    • Parametric methods;
    • Nonparametric tests.
  • Linear Regression: Linear Regression with quantitative predictors;
  • Logistic Regression:
    • Odds, odds ratios and logits;
    • The Logistic Regression Model.
  • Ordinal regression:
    • The ordinal regression model;
    • Model fitting and quality evaluation.

Evaluation process: Theoretical and practical teaching methods supported by audiovisuals and resolution of practical examples with SPSS Statistics. Grading: Final test with SPSS Statistics software (100% of grade). Second chance Grading: Final test with SPSS Statistics software (100% of grade).

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Técnicas de Análise de Dados II / Techniques of Data Analysis II

Coordinator: Prof. Doutor João Paulo Maroco Domingos


Institution: ISPA – Instituto Universitário

Learning goals: Techniques of Data Analysis II aims to provide skills in advanced multivariate data analysis, including exploratory, inferential and causal modeling analysis. The course is organized in a sequential set of topics that allow students to carry out descriptive data analysis, exploratory, inferential and multivariate causal modeling with the SPSS software.

Skills to be acquired:

  1. Identify the main usefulness of multivariate techniques;
  2. Determine the relevance of a variety of multivariate methods and the study of multivariate relationships between variables;
  3. Perform multivariate analysis with statistical software;
  4. Critically analyze the assumptions of the techniques of data analysis;
  5. Report, in accordance with the APA guidelines, the results obtained


  • Introduction to multivariate analysis;
  • Principal Component Analysis;
  • Exploratory Factor Analysis;
  • Cluster Analysis:
    • Hierarchical vs. Non-hierarchical Clustering;
    • Measures of distance between clusters.
  • Multidimensional Scaling (MDS): Types of MDS and Classical MDS;
  • Multivariate Analysis of Variance:
    • MANOVA vs. repeated measures ANOVA;
    • Non-parametric MANOVA.
  • Linear Discriminant Analysis;
  • Linear Structural Equation Models: Theoretical framework:
    • Manifest variables and latent variables;
    • The linear structural equation model.
  • Linear Regression and Path Analysis
  • Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA): Quality, Reliability and Validity of CFA model
  • General Structural Equation Model:
    • Adjustment and Evaluation of the quality of the model;
    • General model with mediating effects and with moderating effects.
  • Multigroup Analysis:
    • Factorial invariance of the model;
    • Multigroup causal analysis.

Evaluation process: Theoretical and practical teaching methods supported by audiovisuals and resolution of practical examples with SPSS Statistics and AMOS. Grading: Final test with SPSS Statistics and AMOS software (100% of grade). Second chance Grading: Final test with SPSS Statistics and AMOS software (100% of grade).

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Métodos de Investigação Aplicada / Applied Research Methods

Coordinator: Prof. Doutor José Freitas dos Santos


Institution: ISPA – Instituto Universitário

Learning goals:

  • Objectives: The advanced study of research methods in applied psychology. Specific, emphasis will be given to learning:
    1. the foundations and research ethics in applied psychology;
    2. the advantages and disadvantages of case studies;
    3. the common problems and limitations of single-subject or small-n designs;
    4. the threats to the internal and external validity of experimental and quasi-experimental protocols;
    5. program evaluation questions;
    6. the publication and dissemination of applied research in psychology.
  • Competencies:
    1. Critical knowledge of the major paradigms in applied psychology research;
    2. The planning and analysis of single-subject or small-n designs;
    3. The planning and analysis of experimental and quasi experimental designs;
    4. The practice of program evaluation;
    5. The practice of research communication and publication in applied psychology.


  1. Applied research in Psychology:
    1. Quantitative and qualitative perspectives in applied psychology research;
    2. The professional and social relevance of applied psychology research.
  2. Single case designs and small-n size:
    1. Types and characteristics of case studies;
    2. Advantages and disadvantages of case studies;
    3. Single-subject and small-n designs;
    4. Problems and limitations common to all single-subject designs.
  3. Experimental designs:
    1. Truly experimental designs;
    2. Quasi-experimental designs;
    3. Internal and external validity;
    4. The analysis and interpretation of experimental data.
  4. Program evaluation:
    1. The integrated perspective of psychology, education and social sciences;
    2. Program evaluation questions;
    3. The reciprocal relationship between basic and applied research.
  5. Communication and publication

Evaluation process:

  • Individual examination (70%);
  • Participation and group research reports (30%).

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Métodos de Investigação Experimental / Experimental Research Methods

Coordinator: Prof.ª Doutora Teresa Garcia-Marques


Institution: ISPA – Instituto Universitário

Learning goals: This is an advanced course of study of experimental methodologies in psychology. The UC focuses on controversial methodological topics associated with experiments. It adds to the knowledge of basic concepts already mastered by students, the ability to develop a critical perspective on different experimental research designs, and different types of measurement used to assess psychological phenomena (behavioural, physiological and surveys). The two concepts of reliability and validity, are discussed in their multiple meanings. Special focus is given to the importance of matching research goal to design, measures and the choice of statistical analysis. Ethical issues are discussed.

  • Development of ability to critically analyze methodology;
  • Knowledge about the methodological and epistemological issues associated with the scientific method;
  • Empowerment of students with the methodological knowledge to develop experimental studies.


  1. Experimental Research in Psychology:
    • History and epistemology;
    • The scientific method;
    • Ethical issues.
  2. Topics relevant to experimental methodology:
    • Independent groups design;
    • Repeated measures designs;
    • Complex designs;
    • Reliability and validity questions;
    • Data analysis and interpretation: questions related to characteristics of the design.

Evaluation process: Evaluation methods:

  • Individual papers: critical analysis of an experimental study (review) and the design of a study by definition of its experimental design, with justification of all decisions – 70%;
  • Participation (attendance, reading articles, discussion, exercises, group work etc): 30%
This curricular unit could be given in tutorial regime, in case of few students. All assignments will be integrated into a portefolio, the evaluation which make up 70% of final grade, the other 30% being the student's participation in the various activities.

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Project Seminar in Psychology - 18 ECTS

These courses aim at the continuous advancement of each student’s particular research project and on intensive scientific exchange with other researchers working in the same or related topics. They includes:

  1. active participation of each student in regular lab meetings of at least one of the research groups of the participating or partner institutions;
  2. regular presentation of work in progress and research results in these research groups and at national and international conferences;
  3. participation in annual seminars for which a group of invited experts will provide feedback and consult on the particular projects;
  4. These courses also contain the requirement of an annual report reflecting on the research project progress, outlining an updated plan for the coming year as well as concrete output such as drafts of submitted or published papers.

Seminars and course activities will be open to students of all years but, as a general rule, courses a) and b) will be concentrated in the first year to enable students to focus on their specialized research program afterwards. As part of course c) students should present at the end of the first year their definitive research project.

This curricular structure is compatible with, but also allows for, synergies between curricular plans of the existing and accredited doctoral programs at the host institutions.

Faculdade de Psicologia / Instituto de Ciências Sociais

ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

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Seminário de Investigação em Psicologia Social / Research Seminar in Social Psychology

Coordinator: Prof. Leonel Garcia-Marques

ECTS: 18

Institution: Faculdade de Psicologia da Universidade de Lisboa

Learning goals: The main goal is the development of a research project that reflects the current knowledge of the target area. The research questions and design of the studies to be performed. Thus students are expected to:

  • ask relevant research questions;
  • think critically, systematically and programmatically;
  • design studies to test relevant hypotheses;
  • perform the appropriate data analysis;
  • plan follow-ups;
  • theorize and criticize alternative theories.


  • Development of projects;
  • Research presentations;
  • Tutorial support.

Evaluation process: Presentation and discussion of the thesis Project with a panel of three experts from three different institutions (100%).

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Seminário de Projeto em Psicologia / Project Seminar in Psychology

Coordinator: Prof.ª Doutora Carla Moleiro

ECTS: 18

Institution: ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

General Objectives: This curricular unit aims at supporting the development of the research that will lead to the doctoral dissertation.

Learning Objectives: This curricular unit aims at supporting the development of the research that will lead to the doctoral dissertation. By the end of this CU, the student will be able to:

  • master the knowledge and the methods of research associated with his/her field of investigation;
  • autonomously conceive, design, implement and write a research project;
  • engage in critical analysis, evaluation and discussion of his/her investigation with peers and colleagues;
  • organize knowledge and to transmit it to others.

Syllabus: There is no real syllabus in this CU, but several opportunities are created to allow the students occasions to spread the knowledge, conceive and discuss research. In particular, the evolution of students research related knowledge and skills will be the result of:

  1. the close supervision of his/her work by the supervisor;
  2. his/her active participation in the regular activities of a research group (in particular the research groups in CIS-IUL);
  3. the annual presentation of his/her research at the Student Meeting of Social Psychology;
  4. debate of the research presented by his/her peers in the same annual event;
  5. participation in the teaching activities in the department.


  1. Requirements:
    • Presentation of ongoing research in the PhD programme conference and discussion with a discussant;
    • Participation in the meetings of a research group (e.g., of CIS-IUL) chosen with the supervisor, with at least 1 presentation. Maximum unjustified absences: 50%.
  2. Critical reflection about the progress of the research in the activity report. Qualitative and quantitative evaluation by the supervisor and the reviewer. Scale: 10 to 20, or A (score of 18), B (16) or C (14).

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Seminário de Investigação em Psicologia / Research Seminar in Psychology

Coordinator: Prof.ª Doutora Teresa Garcia Marques

ECTS: 18

Institution: ISPA – Instituto Universitário

Learning goals: The main objective of the course is the development of a research project that reflects the state of the art, the objectives and the tasks to be performed. In order to achieve this goal, several skills have to de developed:

  • to formulate a relevant research problem;
  • to perform an updated critical review of literature (state of the art);
  • to design research work;
  • to identify and conduct the appropriate data analysis;
  • to discuss results and propose theoretical, methodological and applied developments.


  • Relevant topics for the preparation of a thesis project;
  • Bibliographical research;
  • Norms of the APA;
  • Development of projects;
  • Laboratorial resources;
  • Ethics in research;
  • Research data presentations;
  • How to construct a thesis;
  • Clarification of the subject of study and of the different components of a project.

Students are given tutorial support in the development of the methodology of the thesis project.

Evaluation process: The presentation and discussion of relevant topics for the elaboration of the research project will occur in the first semester. The classes will be common to all first year PhD students independent of their specialization.

In the remaining period of time the students will be integrated in the Social Psychology Research group where they will be accompanied on the development of their projects. Individual tutorial meeting will support the student activity.

Methods of evaluation: Presentation and discussion of the thesis Project in front of a panel of three experts (100%).

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